"My life. My Mission!"
A Licensed Clinical Psychologist & Marriage, Family Therapist. With over thirty years of private practice working with individuals, couples, and groups.
Specialties: Clinical Hypnotherapy
Clinical Hypnosis is the process of (a) deliberately triggering a trance state and then (b) utilizing that state to encourage helpful cognitive, emotional, or physical healing responses. A trance is a natural biological state of inner absorption, concentration and focused attention.
Dr. Dana Saperstein, PhD.
Fear Me Not Psychotherapy Podcast Host since 2021
Dr. Saperstein can be reached at:fearmeoutpodcast@gmail.com.
All E pisodes of the Fear Me Out podcast are available ON SPOTIFY
"Embrace Your Heart,
Heal Your Soul."
"Fear holds you back. Intuition, faith and love push you forward." Dr. Dana Saperstein, PhD., host of the Fear Me Out Podcast, has been in private practice as a clinical psychologist in Santa Barbara, CA for more than 30 years. His unique approach will have you experiencing fear differently. Along with his studio guests, he engages in life conversations that most people are too uncomfortable to have.
Dana Saperstein Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist, published author and podcaster. Dr. Saperstein has been in private practice in Santa Barbara, CA. since 1989, specializing in post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety and relationship
counseling. Rather than pathologizing clients based on the
The medical model of psychotherapy, Dr. Saperstein sees therapy as more of an art, developed over years of experience. One of the modalities he uses in his practice is clinical hypnosis, which allows the client to access the subconscious as well as the
conscious mind.
Dr. Saperstein’s clients have encouraged him to author a book
about his unique and effective practices for many years.
In 1990 Dr. Saperstein and his brother published a book called “Surviving an Automobile Accident”, exploring the physical, emotional, and legal challenges following a motor vehicle accident.
Currently, Dr. Saperstein is hosting a podcast called “Fear Me Out” and writing a book by the same title. Dr. Saperstein has been married for 42 years and has two adult children and two grandchildren. He is also being invited to be a Guest Speaker on various Podcasts Take a Listen. . .
The general focus of this podcast is to utilize Mike and Jo's knowledge and experience to help their listeners with informative series on topics from making a major career change to better performing at your current station. Learn about Dana's life story adventure in this podcast. Fear Dana Not! Hear him Out.
Questions/Comments/Sponsorship Inquiries: fearmeoutpodcast@gmail.com