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GUEST HOST | Justine Hamilton, Life Coach in Santa Barbara, CA.

Fear Me Out Podcast Team Writer

JUSTINE HAMILTON is an ICF Certified Life Coach/ Business Consultant living in Santa Barbara. She is practical, kind and effective. She was put on this planet to do this work and loves to help people.

Justine is a girl from Iowa that channels her inner Laura Ingalls Wilder, by keeping it simple with a homestead vibe. I also look for ways to keep it light during this heavy time. I do that by creating with what I have here at home. The house can start to feel a little “pandemic plain,” so I make very simple floral arrangements from my yard that bring a little life into our constantly occupied, often messy home.

Dr. Dana and Justine Hamilton interviewed Belle Hahn. Belle openly shares her journey with trauma, abuse, ptsd and the profound feeling of healing she gets when she is in nature. Her story is both empowering and inspirational. Dr. Saperstein touches on freeing ourselves from labels that might imprison us.

Fear holds you back. Intuition, faith and love push you forward."

"Embrace Your Heart, Heal Your Soul."

Dr. Dana Saperstein, PhD.



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