"Fear holds you back. Intuition, faith and love push you forward."
It is crucial for society to approach addiction with empathy, understanding, and a focus on prevention and treatment rather than judgment and punishment. By raising awareness, promoting education, and providing accessible resources, we can support individuals struggling with addiction, reduce its prevalence, and help them regain control over their lives.
"Fear Me Not" Podcasts are hosted by Dana P. Saperstein PhD.| Clinical Psychologist
Fear Me Out Podcasts Addressing ADDICTION
Addiction is a complex and debilitating condition characterized by compulsive
engagement in a harmful behavior or dependence on a substance.
EP1 Fear Me Out: How To Manage Fear & Live a More Fulfilling Life. Welcome to the Fear Me Out Podcast with your hosts Kim Fauskee & Dr. Dana Saperstein EP1: Kim Fauskee & Dr. Dana Saperstein discuss why they wrote a book, who they are, how fear got a bad rap, and why managing your fear always beats trying to overcome it. "Fear holds you back. Intuition and faith push you forward." Kim Fauskee & Dr. Dana Saperstein are the co-authors of a book by the same name (Fear Me Out) that will be released in 2022. Their unique approach to managing fear will have you experiencing and feeling fear differently. Along with their studio guests, they engage in life conversations that most people are too uncomfortable to have and debunk certain myths regarding fear and everyday psychological issues that affect many of us. |LISTEN >​
EP15 Soul Searching. Finding the "Who" Within Yourself w/Special Guest Nancy Locke. Dana and Kim speak with Nancy Locke whose journey through life hasn't exactly taken a traditional path. Through addiction, complicated family relationships, and a high-profile marriage, she ultimately found sobriety, love, and the person within she was looking for. LISTEN >
EP19 Against All Odds A Father's Fight for his Daughter w/Special Guest Derin Stockton. "A hero is someone who, in spite of weakness, doubt, and fear, goes ahead and overcomes anyway”. Dana and Kim are joined in the studio by former professional athlete Derin Stockton who endured a 10-year legal battle to gain custody of his daughter through a court system that consistently fought him, experts that berated him, and a child’s mother whose own battle with mental illness caused their daughter immeasurable harm. LISTEN >
EP34 All You Need Is Love. Dr. Dana Saperstein / Merideth Baxter / Nancy Locke.“LOVE MEANS GETTING BETTER TOGETHER” In this episode, Dana and Kim are joined in-studio by Meredith Baxter and her wife, Nancy Locke. Both Meredith and Nancy offer a candid and vulnerable insight into their relationship and how they found authentic love later in life. Through adversity, public perception, trauma, and fear, their relationship has not only endured but continues to evolve & get better daily. A true love story. | LISTEN >
EP36 Surviving Objectification and Sexual Abuse. “TRAUMA MAY HAPPEN TO YOU, BUT IT CAN NEVER DEFINE YOU” Dana and Kim are joined in-studio by Olympic Medalist, Entrepreneur, Artist / Designer; Caroline Burckle whose trip to athletic glory came with a huge price through no fault of her own. Caroline shares with us her very personal story of being objectified and abused by those she admired and looked up to and how these actions took a toll on her mental and physical well-being as well as, the loss of friendships and intimate relationships. This is a story of a survivor who has now fully embraced her journey forward toward; health, happiness, and healing|LISTEN >
EP40 ​True Love Knows No Bounds. “THERE’S A REASON WHY TWO PEOPLE STAY TOGETHER. THEY GIVE EACH OTHER SOMETHING NO ONE ELSE CAN”. Dana and Kim are joined by Roger and Marrie Reaves who’s love story began some 60 years ago. There are some stories you just can’t make up. This is one of them. Roger was business partner’s with Pablo Escobar and the Medellin Drug Cartel transporting by air tons of Marijuana and Cocaine over a handful of years. Their marriage not only produced three children, but survived Roger being shot down, shot at, multiple prison escapes, being on the run through countless countries, and ultimately, thirty two years of incarceration. This is a love story for the ages that shouldn’t be missed.|LISTEN >
EP46 The Lasting Trauma of Sexual Abuse. Dr. Dana and Kim with Special Guest Ann Burridge. “THERE IS NO GREATER AGONY THAN BEARING AN UNTOLD STORY INSIDE OF YOU” In this episode, Dana and Kim are joined by Sexual Abuse Survivor, Ann Burridge who suffered years of sexual abuse from her step-father beginning as a young child. Like many victims where abuse began early in life, Ann was not only confused by her step-father’s actions, but also found a level of pleasure in performing them along with the attention she received. It wasn’t until she began marriage counseling did the memories of abuse re-surface. This began Ann’s decades-long journey toward confronting her past and healing the scars that remained. Ann’s healing journey continues today and has included a few speed bumps and hurdles along the way but she has now found a life where she is content and looking at life through a different lens. |LISTEN >
EP57 The Masks of Addiction. Dr. Dana Saperstein & Kim.“ADDICTION IS THE ONLY PRISON WHERE THE LOCKS ARE ON THE INSIDE.” Dana & Kim begin a series of conversations surrounding addiction and whether certain types of personalities, mental health issues, & physiological factors make a person more apt to become an addict. Both Dana & Kim have first-hand experience with parents that struggled with addiction & offer insight of how it affected their family & the trauma it caused that was carried into adulthood.|LISTEN >
EP58 Social Media as an Addiction. “WE ARE ADDICTED TO ATTENTION RATHER THAN CONNECTION” Dana and Kim are joined in this episode by Justine Hamilton as they discuss the addiction of Social Media. If you’re someone that checks their phone before anything else in the morning, use it as a way to cope with negative emotions, or it negatively affects other areas of your life like work, school, or relationships, then you should tune into this episode. Over 50% of social media users fit the criteria of addiction. It’s reaching epidemic proportions not dissimilar to drugs and alcohol. Like all addictions, there are potential remedies that the hosts discuss throughout the episode.|LISTEN >
EP59 "Bob"- An Addicts Life. “RECOVERY IS ABOUT PROGRESSION, NOT PERFECTION” Dana and Kim continue their conversation about addiction and welcome into the studio special guest, “Bob”. Bob has struggled with addiction from an early age. Beginning with food, then alcohol, cigarettes, tobacco, and hoarding. Bob has spent most of his adult life breaking the chains of addiction and working on himself from the inside out. His story is inspiring and eloquently told. As Bob continues to pave the path of his own recovery journey, he also helps those that struggle with addiction as a mental health professional and also provides essential mental health services and counseling to First Responders. |LISTEN >
EP63 Breaking the Cycle."FREE YOURSELF FROM THE STORY THAT IS HOLDING YOU BACK" Dana, Kim & Justine are joined in their Santa Barbara studio by Jenny Schatzle: imperfect motivational speaker, author, mother and conversation changer. She discusses her intense journey toward healing by changing the conversation on body image, becoming sober and breaking the cycle of insecurity & negative self worth. In 2020 she published her first book titled: Breaking the Cycle. The premise of her book is to help women stop giving up their lives to look a certain way and step into their personal power and confidence. |LISTEN >
EP71 Pixie Saavedra Episode #1. Addictedd to Alcohol. Don't let your past define you, let it drive you. Be honest, and be consistent. Find ways to improve yourself and your communication with others daily. This is where I've found my personal peace, and my joy. Dr. Dana & Justine Hamilton are joined in studio by Pixie Saavedra for a two part episode. In the first half of this interview, Pixie describes a very dramatic, chaotic childhood and adolescence that led her to become addicted to drugs and alcohol. She spent time in prison and struggled to survive. Her story is riveting but has a positive outcome. Please join us! |LISTEN >
EP72 Pixie Saavedra Episode #2. Recovery and Redemption. Dr. Dana & Justine Hamilton conclude their interview with Pixie. The second half of the interview continues her compelling story of recovery and redemption. Saavedra |LISTEN >
EP75 Dr. Dana & Justine Hamilton with/Special Guest Chloe Brown.| Social Media with Teens. "I am on social media an average of 4 hours a day." Fifteen year old Chloe Brown discusses the positive & negative effects that social media has on her life. She candidly admits that social media is entertaining and also instills anxiety about the way she looks in comparison to the profiles she sees. |LISTEN >
EP76 Aaron Kamps is interviewed by Justine & Dr. Dana about his Relationship to Social Media. I DON'T THINK ADDICTION IS A FAIR WORD TO DESCRIBE MY RELATIONSHIP TO SOCIAL MEDIA.This episode continues the series of Fear Me Out interviews on the relationship that teens have with Social Media. Aaron Kamps is a 14 year old young man that eloquently describes his relationship to Social Media. He recognizes both the positive and negatice aspects on his daily experiences wtih TikTok and Snapchat.|LISTEN >
EP80 Dr. Dana & Justine with Special Guest Lizzie|Childhood Trauma & PTSD. Dr. Dana & Justine interview Lizzie regarding her heroic struggle overcoming severe emotional neglect and abuse. Her older brother raised her while her mom was nowhere to be found days on end. She is strong, inspirational and constantly on the pursuit to make herself a better person for her daughter.|LISTEN >