Dr. Dana Saperstein, PhD.

A Licensed Clinical Psychologist & Marriage, Family Therapist. With over thirty years of private practice collaborating with individuals, couples, and groups.
Specialties: Clinical Hypnotherapy
Clinical Hypnosis is the process of (a) deliberately triggering a trance state and then (b) utilizing that state to encourage helpful cognitive, emotional, or physical healing responses. A Trance is a natural biological state of inner absorption, concentration and focused attention.
Dana's Story! For the first three months of my life, I was in a constant state of agitation and fear because I was starving. When I was four years old, I was sexually abused and threatened with death if I told on my abuser. When I was five, I witnessed extreme physical violence during a political demonstration. Throughout most of my early childhood I was emotionally neglected. By the time I was seven years old, I was an emotional mess. I was plagued by nightmares and a constant feeling of not being safe. Fear was my middle name.
In my early school years, I coped with being a bully. I turned all of my pain & fear into aggression. READ MORE >
Fear Me Out Psychotherapy Podcast Host since 2021
Dr. Saperstein can be reached at:fearmeoutpodcast@gmail.com.
All Episodes of the Fear Me Out podcast are available ON SPOTIFY
Fear Me Out Psychotherapy Podcast Host since 2021
Dana's Story! In my early school years, I coped with being a bully. I turned all of my pain & fear into aggression.
My school principal knew me quite well as the kid who fought constantly. When I was thirteen, I got in a severe fight with a schoolmate. After the fight, I was sitting in my bedroom nursing a badly swollen hand. For the first time in my life,
I wondered about the person I had fought with. If my hand was damaged how much pain had I inflicted on the other boy? I felt very sad and remorseful that I had hurt another person in order to relieve my fear and pain. From that moment forward, I vowed never to fight again.
However, my fear and pain persisted along with a constant struggle with depression. The only solution I could come up with was self-medication. I started using drugs to cope and was high on marijuana for the next five years. Every day before, during and after school my friends and I got stoned.
When I was seventeen, my parents approached me with the idea that I might benefit from psychotherapy. This began a decade of self-discovery. I had no idea all of the trauma that I experienced as a young child could create so much anguish in my psyche. I came to understand the relationship between pain, fear, and aggression.
During the latter half of my teen years and my early twenties, I had many experiences with strangers telling me their life stories. I was often surprised that people would open up to me in such emotionally intimate ways.
The therapist I was working with encouraged me to become a clinical psychologist and helped me navigate the educational process. He gave me the understanding that I was destined to become a psychologist.
The general focus of this podcast is to utilize Mike and Jo's knowledge and experience to help their listeners with informative series on topics from making a major career change to better performing at your current station. Learn about Dana's life story adventure in this podcast. Fear Dana Not! Hear him Out.
Questions/Comments/Sponsorship Inquiries: fearmeoutpodcast@gmail.com