Podcasts on Self-Actualization
"Fear holds you back. Intuition, faith and love push you forward."
Self-actualization is the process of realizing and fulfilling one's true potential, striving for personal growth, and becoming the best version of oneself. Coined by psychologist Abraham Maslow, self-actualization represents the pinnacle of his famous hierarchy of needs. It is a state in which individuals feel a deep sense of authenticity, purpose, and fulfillment in their lives. Self-actualization is the process of realizing and fulfilling one's true potential, striving for personal growth, and becoming the best version of oneself.
When individuals strive for self-actualization, they engage in activities that align with their true selves, values, & interests.
Podcasts on Self-Actualization
Self-actualization goes beyond mere survival and meeting basic needs. It involves a profound exploration of one's values, passions, talents and aspirations.
EP1 Fear Me Out: How to Manage Fear & Live a More Fulfilling Life. Kim Fauskee & Dr. Dana Saperstein discuss why they wrote a book, who they are, how fear got a bad rap, and why managing your fear always beats trying to overcome it. "Fear holds you back. Intuition and faith push you forward." Kim Fauskee & Dr. Dana Saperstein are the co-authors of a book by the same name (Fear Me Out) that will be released in 2022. Their unique approach to managing fear will have you experiencing and feeling fear differently. Along with their studio guests, they engage in life conversations that most people are too uncomfortable to have and debunk certain myths regarding fear and everyday psychological issues that affect many of us.|LISTEN >
P2 Self-Examination & How It Benefits Your Life Dana and Kim discuss the ins & outs of living an examined life and how ultimately it could be one of the greatest personal benefits to your life. *Warning, this episode does contain graphic language and references of physical and sexual abuse. About the Fear Me Out Podcast: Kim & Dana are the co-authors of a book by the same name (Fear Me Out) that will be released in 2022. Their unique approach to managing fear will have you experiencing and feeling fear differently. Along with their studio guests, they engage in life conversations that most people are too uncomfortable to have and debunk certain myths regarding fear and everyday psychological issues that affect many of us.|LISTEN >
EP3 Entrepreneur Amy Cooper on Deeply Exploring Your Inner Being & Living An Examined Life. Dana and Kim welcome in-studio guest, Amy Cooper as they continue their discussion on the importance of living a self-examined life. Amy is a successful entrepreneur, business consultant and mother who has had the opportunity over the course of her life, through life's many trials and tribulations, to deeply explore her inner being and live an examined life. About the Fear Me Out Podcast: Kim & Dana are the co-authors of a book by the same name (Fear Me Out) that will be released in 2022. Their unique approach to managing fear will have you experiencing and feeling fear differently. Along with their studio guests, they engage in life conversations that most people are too uncomfortable to have and debunk certain myths regarding fear and everyday psychological issues that affect many of us.|LISTEN >
EP4 Olympic Gold Medalist Kami Craig: The Woman Behind The Medals & Transitioning to Life After Sport: Dana and Kim continue their discussion on the importance of living an examined life and welcome in-studio guest Kami Craig who is a 2-time Olympic Champion and 3-time Olympic Medalist who’s success in sport hasn’t seamlessly translated to life after sport. Her perspective, vulnerability & genuineness makes this an enlightening conversation about the woman behind the medals.|LISTEN >
EP6 Susan Saperstein R.N. on life as a Hospice Nurse & reparing for Death. Kim and Dana continue their series on the “Fear of Death” and welcome into the podcast studio, Susan Saperstein, R.N. Susan’s career as a nurse spans some forty year’s including many years as a Hospice nurse working with pediatric patients and their families. Susan also has worked abroad and was an instrumental partner in establishing a Healthcare and Hospice center in Luanda Kenya. Susan brings a unique approach to the preparation of dying and how it can be a less fearful and more loving and positive event..|LISTEN >
EP8 Kim & Dana Discuss the Fear of Taking on other People's Emotions. EP8: Kim & Dana go solo this episode and begin a conversation regarding the Fear of Taking on Other People’s Emotions. They discuss the fine line between Empathy and Martyr behavior and how taking on someone else’s pain, anger, sadness, or grief can lead to your own psychological demise and prevent you from living a self- fulfilling life.|LISTEN >
EP10 Craftsman Chris Young on The Fear Dynamics of Money Dana and Kim begin a two episode conversation regarding the Fear of Money and welcome into the podcast studio, Chris Young. Chris is a craftsman, businessman, surfer, husband, and father who grew up in an upper middle class family. Coming from means did not pave a smooth path to success. In fact, there were many bumps and turns along the way. So please join us as we speak with Chris regarding the family dynamics of money and how it not only shaped his past, but his future.|LISTEN >
EP11 Wealth Manager Kevin Bourke on Overcoming the Fear of Money. Dana and Kim continue their discussion on the Fear of Money and welcome into the podcast studio, Kevin Bourke, CFP. Kevin’s own journey with money began at an early age which eventually led him to his career as a Wealth Manager and the author of; “Make Your Money Last A Lifetime”. |LISTEN >
EP12 Self-Help Vs. Self-Culture Conscious Introspection. Dana and Kim begin an important discussion on the difference between Self-Help and Self-Culture / Conscious Introspection. While one can become toxic, the other can lead you to a life of greater fulfillment and purpose through the deep exploration of one’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual existence..|LISTEN >
EP13 Communication Facilitator Catherine Weissenberg - Dana and Kim are joined in-studio by Catherine Weissenberg who’s heightened intuitive skills led her down an uncommon path eventually becoming what she calls, a “Communication Facilitator”. She has shared her gift and writings with hundreds of people helping them connect with God, those that have passed, and with coma patients. She is also the co-author of a book called; “Beyond Ever After: A Heart-to-Heart Journey Through Death and the Afterlife”.|LISTEN >
EP15 Soul Searching. Dana and Kim speak with Nancy Locke whose journey through life hasn't exactly taken a traditional path. Through addiction, complicated family relationships, and a high-profile marriage, she ultimately found sobriety, love, and the person within she was looking for.|LISTEN >
EP16 Intuition. Listening to the feeling within. Dana and Kim begin a discussion on the importance of using and trusting your intuition in not only managing your fear, but also guiding your everyday decisions in life|LISTEN >
EP17 The Shared Death Experience. The Shared Death Experience is more about living than dying and how it allows one to share in the participation of a dying person’s transition to a post-mortem existence. Dana and Kim are joined by Simon and Schuster best selling author and psychotherapist, William Peters who own near death events eventually led him to become the foremost expert in The Shared Death Experience.|LISTEN >
EP18 Matt Lowe - Agent of Change - Responsibility is accepting that you are the cause and solution of the problem.Dana and Kim are joined by in-studio guest, Matt Lowe whose loss of sight at age 16 derailed a promising U.S. National Hockey Team career, but it eventually led him to become a leader in Martin Luther King’s Poor People’s Initiative and also an advocate for Social and Community Justice Restoration on the Local, State and National level.|LISTEN >
EP21 Self-Care is How You Take your Power Back. In this episode, Dana and Kim are joined by native New Yorker and now Californian, Lauren Fisher. Her battle with weight issues while growing up eventually led her to a not-so-obvious career as an Associate Publisher and Fashion Director at multiple, well-known, high fashion publications. As a result of her experiences and her passion for human transformation and empowerment, Lauren now shares her expertise as a Health and Wellness Coach with those she left behind in the corporate world and others who desire to live a healthy and balanced life.|LISTEN >
EP23 Fear of Not Being Happy - “IT’S OK TO JUST FEEL OK” In this episode, Dana and Kim discuss the common myth that as humans we should consistently be happy. The media tells us this, advertisers sell us this, books convince us of this, and social media shows us this, but it’s not possible for us as humans to be a single emotion. Emotional Neutrality is what we should be striving for as our daily baseline in seeking joy and understanding the other emotions we feel and how they play an integral role in our overall wellbeing.|LISTEN >
EP25 The Healing Power of Music. Dana and Kim are joined in-studio by Peter Melnick who followed his famous family’s roots into the music business and created his own success story not only professionally, but personally. Peter talks about how music played an integral role in shaping his life’s journey along with healing the trauma he encountered along the way.|LISTEN >
EP26 The Art of Fear. In this episode, Dana and Kim are joined by the retired extreme athlete, Kristen Ulmer whose Hall-of-Fame skiing career eventually led her to become an expert in managing fear and into a new profession of Zen Therapy. Kristen’s book; “The Art of Fear” was one of the first publications which challenged the popular opinion that fear can be overcome and introduced new concepts of how embracing fear can lead to a better life.|LISTEN >
EP27 What if it DID Work? "INSIDE EVERY SELF-MADE MAN IS A FEARFUL KID WHO FOLLOWED HIS DREAMS” In this episode, Dana and Kim are joined by Florida native, Omar Medrano who can be described as a modern-day Horatio Alger story. Omar grew up in Miami the only child of a single mother. He lacked self-confidence and allowed fear and anger to hold him back. It wasn’t until after college and through a series of jobs that Omar began the process of conscious introspection which eventually led him to become a successful entrepreneur, sought-after business coach, mentor, and author of the book; “What If It Did Work”.|LISTEN >
EP30 "Q&A" “YOU HAVE TO KNOW THE PAST TO UNDERSTAND THE PRESENT” On this special 30th episode, guest host and friend of the podcast, Justine Hamilton sits down with both Dana and Kim to find out more about their lives, how they’ve overcome obstacles along the way, what holds them back now, and their mission of helping others understand how to manage fear and the ability to achieve emotional neutrality.|LISTEN >
EP33 Healthy Dependency. “CONNECTION IS THE SINGLE BIGGEST NEED FOR A PHYSICAL HUMAN” In this episode, Dana and Kim discuss the difference between healthy and unhealthy dependency. While one leads you to take on the emotions of others and sacrifice personal autonomy to avoid feeling abandoned, the other leads you to a life of greater fulfillment, intimacy, vulnerability, accomplishment, and self-worth. They also debunk the common notion that any form of dependency is toxic and discuss how healthy dependence equals a healthy relationship which in turn fosters greater personal independence.|LISTEN >
EP34 All You Need Is Love. LOVE MEANS GETTING BETTER TOGETHER” In this episode, Dana and Kim are joined in-studio by Meredith Baxter and her wife, Nancy Locke. Both Meredith and Nancy offer a candid and vulnerable insight into their relationship and how they found authentic love later in life. Through adversity, public perception, trauma, and fear, their relationship has not only endured but continues to evolve and get better each day. This is a true love story for the ages.|LISTEN >
EP35 Rescue Fantasy. "WHEN YOU GO LOOKING FOR RESCUE, YOU END UP TRAPPED IN YOUR OWN WEAKNESS” Dana and Kim discuss a common relationship issue called; Rescue Fantasy”. This is where rescuers and victims often find each other. Rescuers often fail to realize what price tag they are unconsciously attaching to their help in order to make themselves feel important and worthy of love. Rescuers have trouble knowing when to say no. This behavior also distracts the rescuer from focusing on their own needs and self-worth. This role also has crippling effects for the victim as well.|LISTEN >
EP36 Surviving Objectification and Sexual Abuse. “TRAUMA MAY HAPPEN TO YOU, BUT IT CAN NEVER DEFINE YOU” Dana and Kim are joined in-studio by Olympic Medalist, Entrepreneur, Artist / Designer; Caroline Burckle whose trip to athletic glory came with a huge price through no fault of her own. Caroline shares with us her very personal story of being objectified and abused by those she admired and looked up to and how these actions took a toll on her mental and physical well-being as well as, the loss of friendships and intimate relationships. This is a story of a survivor who has now fully embraced her journey forward toward; health, happiness, and healing.|LISTEN >
EP37 Self-Sabotage. Inside this episode, Dana and Kim explore why some people consciously choose to get in the way of what could be a good thing. Whether this be fear, poor self-esteem, trust difficulties, unrealistic expectations, or poor relationship skills, people sabotage their romantic relationships for the sole purpose of protecting themselves. Dana and Kim provide insight on how to develop and foster a healthy and intimate, relationship.|LISTEN >
EP39 Communication in Intimate Relationships. “HONEST COMMUNICATION TO A RELATIONSHIP IS LIKE OXYGEN TO LIFE. WITHOUT IT…..IT DIES.” In this episode, Dana, Kim, and Special Guest Host, Justine Hamilton talk about the foundation of healthy communication and how this either makes or ultimately breaks a relationship. This discussion centers around the necessary traits one must have to communicate effectively and how open, honest, and respectful communication leads to tighter bonds and healthy dependency.|LISTEN >
EP41 Is Love Enough? “IT TAKES MORE THAN JUST LOVE AND PASSION FOR A RELATIONSHIP TO WORK” In this episode, Dana and Kim explore the concept of why love is not enough to sustain a relationship and what other characteristics are needed for a healthy, long-term relationship. They also discuss whether Pure or True Love, is actually a myth or is humanly possible.|LISTEN >
EP42 Parental Alienation. “A HEALTHY PARENT DOES NOT TAKE THEIR CHILD’S RIGHTS AWAY OUT OF HATE AND ANGER FOR THE OTHER PARENT”. Dana and Kim are joined in the studio by Kristi Miller, LMFT author of; “Establishing Boundaries with Kids” whose therapy practice solely works with families navigating parent/child issues. Parental alienation is a strategy whereby one parent intentionally displays to the child unjustified negativity aimed at the other parent. The purpose of this strategy is to damage the child's relationship with the other parent and to turn the child's emotions against that other parent. This is a form of child abuse. Dana, Kim, and Kristi discuss how this begins, what are signs to watch for, what type of help is available if this is happening to you or someone you know, and the long-lasting psychological effect this has on the child and the abused parent.|LISTEN >
EP43 Dating & Relationships in 2022. “LOVE IS LIKE A LOST OBJECT, IT WILL SHOW UP IN THE MOST UNEXPECTED WAY” Dana and Kim are joined by co-host, Justine Hamilton and special guest, Katy Clark who is a So. Ca. based Dating Coach and Matchmaker who the LA Times proclaimed as the; “Jane of all Trades”. Katy’s no non-sense approach to dating and relationships utilizes old school rules with a new school approach. She also discusses what it takes to find your match and the tools necessary to succeed in this new era of dating|LISTEN >
EP44 Is Forgiveness a Learned Skill? “FORGIVENESS IS A GIFT THAT YOU GIVE TO YOURSELF” Dana and Kim discuss if forgiveness is actually something real or is it a conditioned response that has become a pleasantry in everyday life. The foundations of forgiveness go back centuries and have different meanings depending on the origin. Can you actually forgive and forget or is it ingrained in your conscious thus permanently changing the relationship you once had with the person who violated your trust or integrity? How about the concept of forgiving yourself first before forgiving others? These are just some of the questions regarding forgiveness along with many others that are addressed in this episode.|LISTEN >
EP45 Surviving Sexual Abuse. “THE SCARS YOU CAN’T SEE ARE THE HARDEST TO HEAL”. In this episode, Dana and Kim discuss the long-term psychological effects of sexual abuse and how it defines you as a person going forward. If left untreated, many will develop unhealthy habits and patterns that will not only affect their health and mental well-being but will also block them from having robust intimate relationships with the opposite sex and may also lead to further abuse. Like many traumas in life, this one can also be overcome with the right understanding, counsel, compassion, and acceptance.|LISTEN >
EP46 The Lasting Trauma of Sexual Abuse. “THERE IS NO GREATER AGONY THAN BEARING AN UNTOLD STORY INSIDE OF YOU” In this episode, Dana and Kim are joined by Sexual Abuse Survivor, Ann Burridge who suffered years of sexual abuse from her step-father beginning as a young child. Like many victims where abuse began early in life, Ann was not only confused by her step-father’s actions, but also found a level of pleasure in performing them along with the attention she received. It wasn’t until she began marriage counseling did the memories of abuse re-surface. This began Ann’s decades-long journey toward confronting her past & healing the scars that remained. Ann’s healing journey continues today & has included a few speed bumps & hurdles along the way but she has now found a life where she is content & looking at life through a different lens.|LISTEN >
EP51 Finding Yourself From Within. “PEOPLE DON’T COME TO THERAPY TO CHANGE THEIR PAST, BUT TO CHANGE THEIR FUTURE” In this episode, Dana and Kim discuss in detail their personal experiences with talk and hypnotherapy and how through the use of these modalities their lives changed both personally and professionally. They also discuss the who, what, why, and how of these therapies and how they potentially can assist you in finding yourself from within.|LISTEN >
EP52 Live Hypnotherapy Session. “Finding Yourself from Within”. “WHEN YOU FORGIVE, YOU HEAL. AND WHEN YOU LET GO, YOU GROW” We continue our series on; “Finding Yourself from Within”. In this episode, Dr. Dana performs an actual hypnotherapy session with Co-host, Kim. This is a very raw and candid episode where the discussion centers around Kim’s inability to find true love and his hesitancy to fully open his heart to healthy romantic intimacy. This episode also debunks any myths surrounding hypnotherapy and guides the listener through the actual process and Kim’s reactions and post-session thoughts and results..|LISTEN >
EP53 Finding Yourself From Within. “THE PRIVILEGE OF A LIFETIME IS TO BECOME WHO YOU TRULY ARE” Dana and Kim welcome back episode 3 guest, Amy Cooper as we continue the conversation about finding your true self from within. Amy has endured and overcome a multitude of hardships that affect many of us in life. Loss of love, Loss of a marriage, Prolonged Illness, Health issues with a child, and the Loss of a beloved and once-successful business. Instead of burying her head in the sand, Amy took the opportunity to dig deeper into her true essence and discovered the person she is today; a content and centered human who is enjoying all that life has to offer.|LISTEN >
EP54 Becoming the True You. “CHANGING YOURSELF CHANGES EVERYTHING” Dana and Kim welcome into the studio, Michelle Sorro as they continue their conversation on Finding Yourself From Within. Michelle spent many years as a successful media personality as a Host for the Home Shopping Network, a correspondent for EXTRA, and a contestant on The Apprentice. She is now a successful coach and podcaster. Michelle as she will tell you lived a very good life both professionally and personally. It was until the height of the pandemic that Michelle began a metamorphosis that ultimately transformed her into the person she is today. This as she describes was not an easy process which included the breaking down of the facade she had built around herself for many years. It also included losing friends and trusted ones within her inner circle that were not in alignment with her newfound truth. Michelle is very candid about her journey and where it eventually led her.|LISTEN >
EP55 How Near Tragedy Redefines You. “ONE DAY, ONE MOMENT, ONE EVENT, CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE COMPLETELY” Dana and Kim are joined in the conversation by Justine Hamilton and special guest, Mary Firestone who is the author of, “Trusting The Dawn”. Through a series of life events and the near death of herself and her family, Mary embraced the opportunity to look deep within herself and evaluate whether she was destined to live the life she was leading or if there was a deeper passion and desire to be truer to herself and those around her. Mary eloquently describes her journey through life’s trials and tribulations and describes the modalities she utilized to find her true self from within.|LISTEN >
EP60 Running Toward Fear. "NEVER LET FEAR DECIDE YOUR FUTURE” This episode is a prologue to EP52 on Hypnotherapy. Dr. Dana conducts an actual psychotherapy session with Co-Host Kim. This episode centers around Kim’s increasing anxiety and depression surrounding recent events in his life, falling back into a familiar pattern of self-isolation, and the pain of not feeling loved and cared for. This is a raw and candid conversation which focuses on running toward fear and not away from it|LISTEN >
EP65 Characteristics of an Effective Therapist. What makes a good psychotherapist and how can I find one? In this episode, Dr. Dana discusses how a therapist’s own self-awareness, intuition, sensitivity, cultural awareness and medical knowledge contribute to the success of the client-therapist relationship. With Dana's wife Susan asking the questions this time, potential clients will learn to trust their own instincts in choosing the best therapist for themselves.|LISTEN >
EP66 Mental Health Discussions. "ONE OF MY MOST IMPORTANT QUALITIES IS TO BE OPEN TO NEW EXPERIENCES" In this episode, Dr. Dana interviews his trusted and admired friend and colleague, Dr. Michael Vogel. Dr. Vogel describes his life journey from a difficult childhood to a respected therapist and business owner. He also shares his experience as a career naval aviator landing jets on aircraft carriers before becoming a successful psychotherapist.|LISTEN >
EP67 Oriental Medicine with Heart & Soul. TO SOLVE A PROBLEM, YOU NEED TO GET TO THE CAUSE, NOT JUST DEAL WITH THE SYMPTOMS. Dr. Dana Saperstein is joined in studio with his dear friend and trusted colleague, Anthony Kar. Anthony is a licensed acupuncturist and doctor of oriental medicine, practicing in Santa Barbara, CA for almost 30 years. Dr. Dana & Anthony share the same philosophy of not pathologizing their patients based on their presenting symptoms, but rather supporting them holistically on their journey to healing.|LISTEN >
EP68 Respected Mental Health Professional. A calling to be of service. "MY FRIST SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE OCCURRED LISTENING TO A CHURCH CHOIR REHEARSE UNDER MY GRANDMA'S DIRECTION". In this episode, Dr. Dana interviews Jennifer Vogel, MA, LMFT, a mental health professional he trusts and admires. Jennifer has always felt a calling to be of service, so becoming a successful psychotherapist was a natural progression. Her approach to her practice is both unique and inspiring.|LISTEN >
EP75 Dr. Dana & Justine Hamilton with/Special Guest Chloe Brown.| Social Media with Teens. "I am on social media an average of 4 hours a day." Fifteen year old Chloe Brown discusses the positive & negative effects that social media has on her life. She candidly admits that social media is entertaining and also instills anxiety about the way she looks in comparison to the profiles she sees. |LISTEN >
EP76 Aaron Kamps is interviewed by Justine & Dr. Dana about his Relationship to Social Media. I DON'T THINK ADDICTION IS A FAIR WORD TO DESCRIBE MY RELATIONSHIP TO SOCIAL MEDIA.This episode continues the series of Fear Me Out interviews on the relationship that teens have with Social Media. Aaron Kamps is a 14 year old young man that eloquently describes his relationship to Social Media. He recognizes both the positive & negatice aspects on his daily experiences wtih TikTok and Snapchat.|LISTEN >
EP78 Dr. Dana & Justine Hamilton |How we Gather & Recall Information. CONFIRMATION BIASES IMPACT HOW WE GATHER INFORMATION BUT ALSO INFLUENCE HOW WE INTERPRET & RECALL INFORMATION.|In this episode, Dr. Dana & Justine explore their personal belief systems & the effect that these biases have on their lives. They also explore the danger of confirmation biases & how you can identify some of them in your life.|LISTEN>
EP79 Derin Stockton is interviewed by Dr. Dana Regarding his psychological approach to Optimal Physical Health. "PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH ARE LINKED IN VERY IMPORTANT WAYS" Dr. Dana is joined by his friend & colleague Derin Stockton. Derin & Dr. Dana have worked with many clients in common over the years.Derin's unique approach to helps his clients achieve optimal physical & emotional health.|LISTEN >
EP80 Dr. Dana & Justine with Special Guest Lizzie|Childhood Trauma & PTSD. Dr. Dana & Justine interview Lizzie regarding her heroic struggle overcoming severe emotional neglect and abuse. Her older brother raised her while her mom was nowhere to be found days on end. She is strong, inspirational and constantly on the pursuit to make herself a better person for her daughter.|LISTEN >
EP81 Dr. Dana w/Special Guest Hugh Cook | Surviving a Suicide Attempt. "IT'S A MIRACLE THAT I SURVIVED MY SUICIDE ATTEMPT" | Hugh Cook survived an intense suicide attempt at a young age. He overcame addiction and continues to learn about himself through identification as an empath. His journey is miraculous and inspiring. Today, he is studying to become a LMFT through Antioch University. He is devoting the next step in his life to helping others.|LISTEN >
EP82 Dr. Dana w/Special Guest, Dr. Michael Mantz | Ketamine Therapy "I SEE KETAMINE THERAPY AS ONE OF THE MOST EFFECTIVE MODALITIES AVAILABLE - Dr. Mantz" Dr. Michael Mantz is a psychiatrist in private practice in Santa Barbara, CA. Using Ketamine Therapy, he helps many people struggling with depression, pain and psychological madadies. Dr. Mantz is an expert in the use of Ketamine & its effectiveness. LISTEN >
EP86 Dr. Dana, Justine Hamilton & Special Guest: Belle Hahn | A Beautiful Awakening, Part 2. Dr. Dana & Justine Hamilton complete part 2 of Belle Hahn's journey to healing her trauma.Listen to EP 85 first.|LISTEN >
EP107 Dr. Dana | HSP + Empath Characteristics "BEING A HSP OR EMPATH IS A GIFT, NOT A LIABILITY"
Dr. Dana discusses the characteristics of being a "Highly Sensitive Person." This episode is the beginning of a series about how to thrive as an Empath or HSP.|LISTEN >
Dr. Dana interviews John Kamps regarding how being a highly sensitive person has affected his life. John describes how important it was for him to understand and accept being a HSP. This was a necessary step in healing his trauma and thriving as an unusual person.|LISTEN >
Dr. Dana interviews his good friend and colleague, Jen Vogel about her learning to thrive as a HSP. Jen recognized this trait at a young age and has been helping people her whole life. This eventually resulted in Jen's choice to become a mental health professional.|LISTEN >
EP110 Dr. Dana & Amy Zimmerman | Learning to Accept being a HSP "AS A CHILD, I NEVER REALIZED WHY I FELT MY EMOTIONS SO DEEPLY"
Amy Zimmerman and Dr. Dana talk at length about how she has spent years healing her trauma and embracing being a highly sensitive person.|LISTEN >
Dave and Dr. Dana discuss how being HSP makes childhood trauma much more damaging to a person. Understanding being a HSP has allowed Dave the ability to heal his trauma.|LISTEN >
EP112 Series Conclusion - Being A HSP Being an HSP is purely a biological phenomenon. Dr. Dana finishes his series on being a highly sensitive person. He discusses at length the biology of this phenomena. Being a HSP is biologically driven and strongly influenced by the environment.|LISTEN >
EP128 Dr. Dana & Bruce Giffin | Imposter Syndrome Bruce Giffin and Dr. Dana talk at length about Bruce's healing journey. After surviving a difficult childhood with a self centered mom, Bruce and his business partner ran a very successful building company. Overcoming imposter syndrome, allowed Bruce to survive and thrive.|LISTEN >
EP129 Dr. Dana, Sean Saperstein & Dr. Anthony Kar | Imposter Syndrome Sean Saperstein (Dana's son) and Dr. Anthony Kar have an in depth discussion with Dr. Dana about Imposter Syndrome. They both describe the negative, self-critical voice in their heads and how they are trying to overcome them. |LISTEN >
EP130 Dr. Dana Sean Saperstein & Steve Francis | Entrepreneur Steve Francis gives an in depth interview with Dr. Dana and his co-host, Sean Saperstein. Sean & Steve, both good friends and business associates, discuss the feeling of low self worth that result from physical abuse and alcoholism. Steve describes working very hard to redeem himself from childhood abuse and neglect, resulting in great business succcess and a new marriage.|LISTEN >
EP132 Dr. Dana & Justine Hamilton | Resilience Justine Hamilton and Dr. Dana explore the concept of resilience and where it comes from. Facing a serious medical issue, Dr. Dana describes how resilience plays a part in his life.|LISTEN >
EP134 Dr. Dana & Catherine Weissenberg | Miracles & Resilience Catherine Weissenberg and Dr. Dana discuss the transformative power of self-love and its role in healing. Confronting his mortality, Dr. Dana relies on faith and self-love to recover from severe medical trauma.|LISTEN >
EP136 Dr. Dana & Julian Gresser | Resilience Julian Gresser is an international environmental and public interest lawyer, professional negotiator, and recognized expert in Japan. "It's important to have the ability to turn adversity to advantage." Julian and Dr. Dana discuss the principles of mastering the skill of integral resilience. |LISTEN >